An Awesome Book

One of my preschoolers brought in this book today for show and tell. I was excited to read it purely based on the title, “An Awesome Book”. How could we go wrong?

Picture this: 11 kiddos wiggling on their pillows at the end of our school day, me sitting in the front with the book held up, unaware of the greatness in my hands. I start to read,quickly beginning to think how inspirational this book is (seriously right up there with ‘Oh the Places You’ll Go”)… next thing I know I’m choking back tears. Real tears. Like the ridiculous Pampers baby  commercials when you’re pregnant tears (if your a man, you might equate this to, say, football season preview commercials?).

It’s amazing. I’m going to be ordering it for some of my business partners in my energy business. We,as adults, push aside dreaming, often to fit into the mold of the ‘American Dream’. A year and two months ago, I changed that mindset with the gift of Ambit Energy and have saved my dreams! More than that, I’ve created new ones and made some come true!

I have two gifts for you today:   – the gift that changed my life.           -the gift I will be giving those who join me with the first one. 🙂


Enjoy and you are welcome!


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